- Introduction
- User interface
- Get started
- Develop Persona (Raw)
- Sizing, cropping and warping
- Layers
- Layer operations
- Selections
- Creating pixel selections
- Retouching
- Adjustments
- Filters and effects
- Placing external content
- Panorama Persona
- Stacking
- Astrophotography Stack Persona
- Focus merging
- Live projection
- Macros & batch jobs
- Liquify Persona
- Painting and erasing
- Layer effects (FX)
- Color
- Vector-specific
- Lines and shapes
- Text
- Text styles
- Sharing
- Export Persona
- Design aids
- Workspace
- Customize
- Tools
- Photo editing tools
- Vector line tools
- Selection tools
- Fill tools
- Paint tools
- Erase tools
- Retouch tools
- Vector shape tools
- Text tools
- Warp tools
- Liquify tools (Liquify Persona)
- Raw tools (Develop Persona)
- Export tools (Export Persona)
- Panels
- Appendix
- Extras
- Performance
- Third-party support

Radial Gradient Affinity Photo
- Affinity Photo – Gradient Tool Using Bitmaps A quick look at using the Bitmap option found within the Gradient Tool. How you can alter size.
- Use gradients for creative and masking purposes.Photography by James Ritson.
- Specifically, we refer to the solution called Affinity Photo, a commercial software that we can find installed on the. Profile, a gradient map, etc.
Affinity Photo Gradient Mask
Resource: Dream Gradients 1 for Affinity products. This is a swatch collection of all of the gradients used to make the Dream Styles 1 and Dream Metals Styles collections, making it easy to grab your favorite gradient to use rather than applying a style to get it. Gradient editing. The Fill Tool lets you draw a simple color gradient across your object. The created fill path can be edited directly on the object to introduce more than two colors along the gradient path, introduce opacity, reposition added colors or control color transitions. You can also apply a more complex gradient via a Gradient Editor.