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Customize mouse buttons in BricsCAD easily. Like almost everything else in BricsCAD, you can customize mouse buttons to increase your productivity. The left mouse button, of course, performs the most important CAD function – selecting entities. Because of this, you can’t customize your left mouse button.
How you seem to feel comfortable with written paths and terminal
sounds a bit like you don't even installed a desktop environment.
I have Arch based Manjaro with KDE.
I can use Dolphin (Explorer) and Ark (Archiver) to navigate and extract archives.
Octopi is the default Manjaro Packet Manager.
It has an installation option for local Packages but obviously refuses a *.tar.gz
as such. I don't even have a clue how Arch Packages do look like.
Bricscad V19 Portable
And I am not sure if Bricscad's Tarball is meant as an installation Package,
or just an Archive to extract somewhere (like Modo).
Modo also didn't run first on Manjaro. When starting from Terminal it showed
a missing Library too. I went to my Package Manager and searched for that name
and found something similar which I installed and Modo started fine then.
Bricscad V19 License Key Serial
I think that is pretty similar for Bricscad now.
I think I could start it simply by executing the 'bricscad' from the extracted folder.
But it also aborts and shows an error when trying to start 'libcommands.so'
But in this case, when I search for it my Packet Manager doesn't find anything similar.
(No wonder if 'libwebkitgtk-1.0.so.0' is something legacy or risky taken out of current Distros)
Bricscad V19
But obviously Bricscad will not work, or better start, without it.
My Packet Manager would offer :
- libwebp 1.0.2-1 (already installed...)
- lib32-libwebp 1.0.2-1
- libwebsockets 3.1.0-1