
  1. Av Recorder
  2. Avaudiorecorderdelegate
  3. Av Recorder Device
  4. Avaudiorecorder Settings

The top rated AV receiver from Yamaha, the AVENTAGE, is a dramatic and inspired leap forward in audio/video component design. AVENTAGE brings studio grade sound and sophisticated video enhancements to your home with unparalleled attention to detail in design, engineering, and fabrication. Ahnlab policy center 4 6 for windows. AVRecorder.CaptureStillPhoto Captures a still image. Mac/Win/iOS 6.2: AVRecorder.ClosePreview Closes the preview view. Mac/Win/iOS 6.1: AVRecorder.CurrentQRCode Queries current QRCode. Mac/iOS 8.4: AVRecorder.EncoderCount Queries number of encoders found by the plugin. Win only 9.1: AVRecorder.EncoderInfo Queries details about video encoders.

AVAudioRecorder Default constructor that initializes a new instance of this class with no parameters. AVAudioRecorder(IntPtr) A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

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MBS FileMaker Plugin Example Databases

AVRecorder iOS Test

All examples are included with download of MBS FileMaker Plugin.

Value Lists0
Custom Functions0
Custom Menus33
File Options
Default custom menu set[Standard FileMaker Menus]
When opening file
Minimum allowed version12.0
Login usingAccount Name; Account= Admin
Allow user to save passwordOff
Require iOS passcodeOff
Switch to layoutOff
Hide all toolbarsOff
Script triggers
OnFirstWindowOpenScript: InitScript
OnLastWindowCloseScript: Shutdown
Thumbnail Settings
Generate ThumbnailsOn; Temporary
Table NameOccurrences in Relationship Graph
3 fields defined, 1 record
Table Name: AVRecorder - 3 Fields
Field NameTypeOptionsCommentsOn LayoutsIn RelationshipsIn ScriptsIn Value Lists
SessionNormal, TextAuto-Enter:
  • Allow editing
  • Only during data entry
  • Repetitions: 1
  • Indexing: None
  • Automatically create indexes as needed
  • Index Language: German
FilePathNormal, TextAuto-Enter:
  • Allow editing
  • Only during data entry
  • Repetitions: 1
  • Indexing: None
  • Automatically create indexes as needed
  • Index Language: German
ImageNormal, BinaryAuto-Enter:
  • Allow editing
  • Only during data entry
  • Repetitions: 1
Field Name: AVRecorder::Session
Field PropertiesCoordinatesField FormatField BehaviorQuick Find
    Layout Name:
  • Top: 436 pt
  • Left: 86 pt
  • Bottom: 457 pt
  • Right: 339 pt
  • Anchoring: Left, Top
Field Format:
  • Edit Box
Field Behavior:
  • Allow field to be entered: In Find mode, In Browse mode
  • Touch keyboard type: System Default
  • Go to next field using: Tab key

Field Name: AVRecorder::FilePath
Field PropertiesCoordinatesField FormatField BehaviorQuick Find
    Layout Name:
  • Top: 460 pt
  • Left: 86 pt
  • Bottom: 481 pt
  • Right: 339 pt
  • Anchoring: Left, Top
Field Format:
  • Edit Box
Field Behavior:
  • Allow field to be entered: In Find mode, In Browse mode
  • Touch keyboard type: System Default
  • Go to next field using: Tab key

Av Recorder

Field Name: AVRecorder::Image
Field PropertiesCoordinatesField FormatField BehaviorQuick Find
    Layout Name:
  • Top: 351 pt
  • Left: 93 pt
  • Bottom: 436 pt
  • Right: 300 pt
  • Anchoring: Left, Top
Field Format:
  • Edit Box
Field Behavior:
  • Allow field to be entered: In Find mode, In Browse mode
  • Touch keyboard type: Default for Data Type
  • Go to next field using: Tab key

Button PropertiesCoordinatesScript/Script Step
  • Text: Set Video Device
    Layout Name:
  • Top: 55 pt
  • Left: 11 pt
  • Bottom: 95 pt
  • Right: 99 pt
  • Anchoring: Left, Top
Perform Script [ “Set Video Device” ]

Minitool partition wizard 2019 crack. Scripts:

Button PropertiesCoordinatesScript/Script Step
  • Text: Set Audio Device
    Layout Name:
  • Top: 55 pt
  • Left: 108 pt
  • Bottom: 95 pt
  • Right: 196 pt
  • Anchoring: Left, Top
Perform Script [ “Set Audio Device” ]


Button PropertiesCoordinatesScript/Script Step
  • Text: Start Preview
    Layout Name:
  • Top: 55 pt
  • Left: 205 pt
  • Bottom: 95 pt
  • Right: 293 pt
  • Anchoring: Left, Top
Perform Script [ “Start Preview” ]



Button PropertiesCoordinatesScript/Script Step
  • Text: Take Picture
    Layout Name:
  • Top: 55 pt
  • Left: 302 pt
  • Bottom: 95 pt
  • Right: 390 pt
  • Anchoring: Left, Top
Perform Script [ “Take Picture” ]


Next Script: [Set Audio Device]
Script NameInitScript
Run script with full access privilegesOff
Include In MenuYes
Layouts that use this script
Scripts that use this script
Script Definition
Script Steps
  • Set Field [ AVRecorder::Session; MBS('Debug.Enable') ]
  • Set Field [ AVRecorder::Session; MBS('SystemInfo.IsARM') ]
  • Set Field [ AVRecorder::Session; MBS('AVRecorder.Init') ]
  • If [ MBS('SystemInfo.isMacOSX') ]
  • Set Field [ AVRecorder::FilePath; MBS( 'Folders.UserDesktop' ) & '/test.m4v' ]
  • Else If [ MBS('SystemInfo.IsIOS') ]
  • Set Field [ AVRecorder::FilePath; MBS( 'Folders.UserDocuments' ) & '/test.m4v' ]
  • Else
  • Set Field [ AVRecorder::FilePath; MBS( 'Folders.UserDesktop' ) & 'test.avi' ]
  • End If
  • If [ MBS('IsMacOS') ]
  • If [ MBS( 'AVRecorder.AuthorizationStatusForMediaType'; 'video' ) = 'NotDetermined' ]
  • Set Variable [ $r; Value:MBS( 'AVRecorder.RequestAccessForMediaType'; 'video' ) ]
  • End If
  • If [ MBS( 'AVRecorder.AuthorizationStatusForMediaType'; 'audio' ) = 'NotDetermined' ]
  • Set Variable [ $r; Value:MBS( 'AVRecorder.RequestAccessForMediaType'; 'audio' ) ]
  • End If
  • End If
Fields used in this script
Scripts used in this script
Layouts used in this script
Tables used in this script
Table occurrences used by this script
Custom Functions used by this script
Custom menu set used by this script

Previous Script: [InitScript]Next Script: [Set Video Device]
Script NameSet Audio Device
Run script with full access privilegesOff
Include In MenuYes
Layouts that use this script
Scripts that use this script
Script Definition
Script Steps
  • Set Variable [ $r; Value:MBS('AVRecorder.SetAudioDevice'; AVRecorder::Session; 0) ]
  • Show Custom Dialog [ Title: 'Audio Device'; Message: MBS('AVRecorder.GetAudioDevice'; AVRecorder::Session); Default Button: “OK”, Commit: “Yes”; Button 2: “Cancel”, Commit: “No” ]
Fields used in this script
Scripts used in this script
Layouts used in this script
Tables used in this script
Table occurrences used by this script
Custom Functions used by this script
Custom menu set used by this script

Previous Script: [Set Audio Device]Next Script: [Start Recording]
Script NameSet Video Device
Run script with full access privilegesOff
Include In MenuYes
Layouts that use this script
Scripts that use this script
Script Definition
Script Steps
  • Set Variable [ $r; Value:MBS('AVRecorder.SetVideoDevice'; AVRecorder::Session; 0) ]
  • Show Custom Dialog [ Title: 'Video Device'; Message: MBS('AVRecorder.GetVideoDevice'; AVRecorder::Session); Default Button: “OK”, Commit: “Yes”; Button 2: “Cancel”, Commit: “No” ]
Fields used in this script
Scripts used in this script
Layouts used in this script
Tables used in this script
Table occurrences used by this script
Custom Functions used by this script
Custom menu set used by this script

Previous Script: [Set Video Device]Next Script: [Stop Recording]
Script NameStart Recording
Run script with full access privilegesOff
Include In MenuYes
Layouts that use this script
Scripts that use this script
Script Definition
Script Steps
  • Set Variable [ $r; Value:MBS('AVRecorder.SetFilePath'; AVRecorder::Session; AVRecorder::FilePath) ]
  • If [ MBS('IsError') ]
  • Show Custom Dialog [ Title: 'Error'; Message: $r; Default Button: “OK”, Commit: “Yes”; Button 2: “Cancel”, Commit: “No” ]
  • Exit Script [ ]
  • End If
  • Set Variable [ $r; Value:MBS('AVRecorder.StartRecording'; AVRecorder::Session) ]
  • If [ MBS('IsError') ]
  • Show Custom Dialog [ Title: 'Error'; Message: $r; Default Button: “OK”, Commit: “Yes”; Button 2: “Cancel”, Commit: “No” ]
  • Exit Script [ ]
  • End If
Fields used in this script
Scripts used in this script
Layouts used in this script
Tables used in this script
Table occurrences used by this script
Custom Functions used by this script
Custom menu set used by this script

Previous Script: [Start Recording]Next Script: [Shutdown]
Script NameStop Recording
Run script with full access privilegesOff
Include In MenuYes
Layouts that use this script
Scripts that use this script
Script Definition
Script Steps
  • Set Variable [ $r; Value:MBS('AVRecorder.StopRecording'; AVRecorder::Session) ]
Fields used in this script
Scripts used in this script
Layouts used in this script
Tables used in this script
Table occurrences used by this script
Custom Functions used by this script
Custom menu set used by this script

Av Recorder Device

Previous Script: [Stop Recording]Next Script: [Start Preview]
Script NameShutdown
Run script with full access privilegesOff
Include In MenuYes
Layouts that use this script
Scripts that use this script
Script Definition
Script Steps
  • If [ AVRecorder::Session ≠ ' ]
  • Set Variable [ $r; Value:MBS('AVRecorder.Release'; AVRecorder::Session) ]
  • Set Field [ AVRecorder::Session; ' ]
  • End If
Fields used in this script
Scripts used in this script
Layouts used in this script
Tables used in this script
Table occurrences used by this script
Custom Functions used by this script
Custom menu set used by this script

Previous Script: [Shutdown]Next Script: [Take Picture]
Script NameStart Preview
Run script with full access privilegesOff
Include In MenuYes
Layouts that use this script
Scripts that use this script
Script Definition
Script Steps
  • // Set Variable [ $r; Value:MBS('AVRecorder.AddPreviewToWindow'; AVRecorder::Session; Get(WindowName); 50; 150; 320; 240) ]
  • Set Variable [ $r; Value:MBS('AVRecorder.AddPreviewWithControl'; AVRecorder::Session; 0; 'Preview') ]
  • Set Variable [ $r; Value:MBS('AVRecorder.StartPreview'; AVRecorder::Session) ]
Fields used in this script
Scripts used in this script
Layouts used in this script
Tables used in this script
Table occurrences used by this script
Custom Functions used by this script
Custom menu set used by this script

Previous Script: [Start Preview]
Script NameTake Picture
Run script with full access privilegesOff
Include In MenuYes
Layouts that use this script
Scripts that use this script
Script Definition
Script Steps
  • Set Field [ AVRecorder::Image; MBS( 'AVRecorder.CaptureStillPhoto'; AVRecorder::Session ) ]
Fields used in this script
Scripts used in this script
Layouts used in this script
Tables used in this script
Table occurrences used by this script
Custom Functions used by this script
Custom menu set used by this script

Download example: AVRecorder iOS Test Office 2016 mac key activation.

Avaudiorecorder Settings

Used functions: